Microneedling or Chemical peel
Seeking a quick fix for you skin surface concerns? I'm sure you've heard of laser resurfacing, but have you ever considered Microneedling or a Chemical peel? Either one may be the right option for you. Both are resurfacing treatments that are perfect for those looking to reduce superficial skin iperfections such as dark spots, acne scarring, texture issues, fine lines and wrinkles.
A good candidate for a chemical peel would be someone with deeper acne scarring and skin texture concerns. The perfect candidate would also have enough time to withstand a longer downtime process and a slightly higher pain threshold, as deeper (i.e. stronger) chemical peels can cause discomfort for up to two weeks.
Our chemical peel service begins the same way as all of our services-- with a thorough skin evaluation, in which we'll discuss you skin issues and concerns, and, most importantly, you skin goals. It's important to select a practitioner that understands you skin goals, so that the two of you are on the same page when it comes to the treatment.
Examples include: "I have normal-to-dry skin, but I feel like my skin dry all the time." OR, "I see wrinkles that aren't as noticeable to others as they are to me." It's crucial to seek a professional opinion regarding those concerns, as an experienced voice can be the difference between looking "naturally refreshed," "subtly enhanced," and going full cat-woman.
After establishing your skin desires, including the peel's intensity and depth (how strong the acid or other active ingredients will be), the chemical is applied to your skin and left to process before it is removed. Generally, the chemical reaction will heat up your skin, and once it is removed, the chemical will trigger your skin's healing process.
The downtime (roughly 10 days) is a bit longer than Microneedling (which last around 3 days) because of the heat damage done to your skin. However, due to the deeper level of trauma to the skin, the body heals itself and produces new skin, giving you a better, resurfaced effect.
There are three types of chemical peels: A light chemical peel offers subtle improvements at first, but that healthy glow will increase with more treatments. A medium chemical peel will ensure that your skin will look noticeably fresher and more smooth. A deep chemical peel requires a longer recovery period, but the results are dramatic and can last up to 10 years.
Depending on the depth of chemical peel you will be undergoing, your practitioner may recommend that you use a moisturizing and healing lotion on your skin before treatment. This can range from a basic arnica cream to a medical grade serum. And remember that whenever you get a chemical peel, always ask your practitioner when you can wear makeup again.
The other option you may consider when in need of resurfacing treatment is Microneedling. A good candidate for Microneedling would be anyone looking to routinely resurface and refresh their skin. Microneedling will help diminish dark spots and wrinkles, as well as alleviate the overall dullness of the skin, leaving you with a baby-smooth complexion. The process begins with a thorough skin evaluation, during which time we'll discuss your skin goals together.
The procedure itself involves the process of creating small punctures in the skin, going as deep as 2mm-- far deeper than lasers or chemical peels are able to go. This is because Microneedling doesn't involve heat and will not cause permanent damage at that depth. The downtime is roughly 3 days, and while the first day will be the worst and you may look like you have a bad sunburn, and the next two days will leave you with dry, itchy skin, the texture of your skin will undergo a dramatic improvement over the follwing days and trust me, it'll all be worth it.
Just keep in mind that with Microneeding, the major difference is that the practitioner can select the exact depth of treatment best for each skin type and condition. Microneedling utilizes a medical grade instrument to create precision punctures in the skin that are specific to both the area needling treatment and the degree of resurfacing required. It does not utilize heat, which allows for cell trauma to go far deeper, and keeps it specific only to localized areas.
In closing, a chemical peel is the way to go for deep acne scarring and will give you the desired results of a resurfaced smoother complexion. Microneedling is more effective in combatting a wide range of skin issues. The real question is, do you want to look red now, or like a snake that midway through shedding its skin in a week. Only the practitioner will know for sure, so select wisely and get ready to love your new skin! #HotGirlSummer
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